Calendar Time, Fun Time

There are not many things in the classroom that can remain on a bulletin board year round other than the calendar.  As teachers, we are constantly putting up new student work, decor, etc.  The classroom calendar changes daily as new days, and months are added.  One thing that makes calendar time even more fun my room, are the pictures we add to it.  In my class, students look forward to seeing pictures of one another learning each month.  I created these free editable monthly calendar headings as a way to incorporate more classroom pictures into our classroom  Each month's heading has a spot for you to add pictures of your class in action.  It's a great way to use all of the pictures you take of your students on field trips, at recess, etc.

The best thing about these is that you simply click on the photo box, then upload the photo you want to display.  Print the calendar headings, laminate, and you're ready to go.  My students LOVE seeing photos of themselves, and they can look forward to what the next month's photo will be.


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