Productive Computation Practice

When I heard about reciprocal learning, I thought: This is a great solution for how to practice computation in an engaging way.  

So, what is reciprocal learning exactly? 
-it's a research-based strategy for cooperative learning
-students work in pairs to 'coach' each other through problems
-each student has the answers to check their partner's work

Why does reciprocal learning work for practicing computation?
-students get more attention than one teacher can give
-it encourages student independence and responsibility
-it provides an opportunity for the teacher to work with a small group for reteaching or enrichment while other students are still actively engaged in productive practice
-it's perfect for encouraging explaining your strategies and thinking, which is an important part of learning computation! 

To help you try out reciprocal learning, I've created these FREE addition practice pages.  There are five sets, or ten pages total, so you have plenty to work with!

Get these addition practice partner pages FREE!!

Happy (computation) Teaching!!

Christine Cadalzo

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