Are your students interesting? Well there is just one way to find out! Check out my FREE interest inventory that I have for you to use on the first day of school!

This is a great way to get to know your student's likes and dislikes, along with their thoughts and so much more! I love to find out about them and it's a great icebreaker on the first day.
I also like to give them the learning style inventory so I can get an idea of which way to create my lesson plans so they learn best!

And what other way to get to know your students best, than through the parents? I always send home this parent survey on open house night so I can learn a bit more about the students from the parent's perspective!

Of course, you already know that your students are interesting... but you still want these pretty awesome forms, right? Why not download them by heading over to my blog post titled 10 Ideas to Get to Know Your Students where you can read the other 8 ideas I have and snatch up these FREE forms!
Happy Teaching!