Calling All Students to Be Drug Detectives

The Drug Detective is an activity that can be used in a variety of ways:

1.     Substitute Activity: where students write the correct answer and then document where they got their correct answer, (Notes, textbook, cell phone — if your school allows students to use their electrical device in the classroom.)
2.     Pre-assessment -- for a drug unit (which can include — alcohol, tobacco, smokeless tobacco, crystal meth, ecstasy and marijuana)  This will assess what students know and give the students an idea what will be covered in class
3.     Test review -- as individual review or team competition review.
4.     Test -- where students have the option of taking the test as an individual or with a partner of their choice.  Partner tests are harder than students anticipate for several reasons
a.     Students are only allowed to whisper — If I hear them, I deduct 5 points.
b.     Partners can disagree on the correct answer.  They will have to quickly and quietly   persuade their partner.  I’ve had students stop their partner test and ask for an individual test because they could not come to agreement.
c.      If both students know the material, it still takes them time to complete. 

Listed below are three Item Categories with Word Lists for each category.  You will need to refer to these words in order to answer the items in the table below.  Write the correct answer in the appropriate box. 

Drugs                                                  Category of Drugs                 Examples of Substances

Alcohol                                                Stimulants                               Carbon monoxide
Crystal Meth                                        Depressants                            Nicotine
Ecstasy                                               Hallucinogens                         Tar
Marijuana                                                                                            Inhalants
Smokeless Tobacco                                                                            THC
Tobacco                                                                                              Benzopyrene

Click on the Google Docs Link to get the Worksheet:

Click on the Google Docs Link to get the Answer Sheet:

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