Back to School Standards Checklists

Common Core Standards Checklists
(perfect for back to school!!)

The Common Core standards can be confusing and overwhelming, especially if you're new to teaching or are changing grades.  One standard often contains many sub-skills, which can make them difficult to track and manage in the classroom.

One way to organize all of this information is with a editable checklist of the standards.  Use it to plan, track differentiation, for RTI, or writing IEPs.

When you do your back to school assessments, use a checklist to track which students are already able to do certain subtasks.  Then, you can do an item analysis and easily see where their strengths and weaknesses are.  This will be helpful for planning where to spend your teaching time in general, as well as for differentiating for individual students.

By organizing all of this at the beginning of the year, it will help with tracking student data, lesson preparation, and even progress reports throughout the year- saving you valuable time!!

To help you get started, you can get the 

Happy (Organized) Teaching!!

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