Time Capsule for the First Week of School

How many times have you made a first week of school packet or about me book? Maybe it will hang up in the room for a few weeks, or you'll just end of sending it home a few days later?

Well, I decided to scratch those things this year and do a time capsule! When students have finished it, I collect them up in a ziploc baggie, and put them away until the last week of school. Students then open them and see how much they have changed!

Some things included are:
About Me sheet
Hand Print Tracing
Foot Print Tracing
Fill in the Blanks
Bio Poem
Place for Student Photograph
Opportunities to draw themselves and others

If you are interested in this freebie and seeing how I use it in my room, hop on over!!

(It is a 7 page freebie that has primary and intermediate questions/activities)

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