I have an Easter surprise for you that I wanted to share. Love 'em or hate 'em there is just something about "peeps" that says "Easter". This "peeps" activity screams Easter and you and your little ones will fall in love with these "peeps"!
Fact Family "Peeps" - this is a fact family activity that you can use with your class in whole group,small group, and later as a math tub. It is FREE and I hope you enjoy!
I usually introduce this activity whole group. I set up the baskets either in a pocketchart or around the room. Then each child gets a "peeps" card and finds the correct basket to place it in. Depending on whether the particular group I have likes "peeps" are not (some do and some can't stand them) - I have 4 real "peeps" set up beside each basket. Then as you find the correct basket to place your "peeps" card - you get to take a real "peep" and eat it!
It's super fun and it's a great way to practice understanding how fact families work!
I hope you and your little ones enjoy!