First Grade Research Journal

Do you do research with your kindergarten, first or second grade class? I'm a teacher librarian, and we're getting ready to do first grade research projects at my school.

I designed a simple, single-page form to help my fabulous firsties keep track of their research AND develop some good habits at the same time. This journal is a free download at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

The four columns on this journal provide space for students to:

  • record the questions they wonder about
  • write the answers that they find
  • give credit to the source of their answers; and
  • reflect on their learning (metacognition alert!)
Although I designed this for first grade, I can also see using this organizer for kindergarten and second grade, too. In these early grades, we don't need to make the research process huge and overwhelming. We DO want to develop good habits that we can build on as teachers and librarians in the years to come.

I hope this journal will help you and your students. Stop by The Centered School Library and let me know!

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