
Welcome to The Schroeder Page!: Happy FALL Y'all!

Welcome to The Schroeder Page!: Happy FALL Y'all!: Friends~It is my very favorite time of year...FALL!  Bats and spiders and pumpkins galore!  I just started decking out room 331 for the Fall! I spun my classroom full of spiderwebs and added some fake spiders but BATS come first!  I can't wait until next week because I am going to bring my class into the world BATS.  My students will learn about the life cycle and hunting habits of these amazing creatures.  We will read both nonfiction and fiction books and also research our favorite bat!  I always start with a huge bat cut out of bulletin board paper as our KWL.  My students record their thinking on their own personal KWL.  Grab a copy of my Freebie by clicking the image below.  You will also be able to read more about what I am teaching in October.

Be sure to watch the Echolocation video song but be is very catchy and you may find yourself singing it at home in the shower!